White Paper

Engaging Patients of All Ages with Hybrid Care: Insights from a User-Centered Study

Digital health solutions have become an essential tool for enhancing patient access, engagement, and outcomes. However, despite their growing adoption, a perception still exists that some demographics—especially older adults—are less likely to engage with these solutions.

To evaluate this assumption, Medbridge conducted a user study to better understand how adults interact with Pathways, our hybrid-care software platform. While we focused on adults aged 65 and older for this study, since this group is often underrepresented in digital health research, our findings provide insights relevant to patients of all ages. By demonstrating that even those traditionally thought to be less engaged with technology can successfully navigate and benefit from Pathways, we show that digital care solutions have the potential to benefit broad patient populations.

Download this white paper to learn:

  • How we structured the user study to inform our person-centered care approach.
  • The overwhelmingly positive feedback from participants on ease of use, engaging content, and program structure within Pathways.
  • How healthcare organizations can apply these insights to improve access to care for patients of all ages.

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Who is this white paper for?

This white paper is an ideal resource for:

  • All practitioners in leadership roles

  • Healthcare executives, C-suite, owners

  • Managers, administrators, and other healthcare leaders

These best practices can be applied in the following settings:

  • Employer and Worksite Health

  • Hospitals and Health Systems

  • Private Practices

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